Monday, November 19, 2012

Extreme Scout Expo

The Boy Scouts of America's Golden
Empire Council had their Extreme Scout
Expo this year again at Beale Air Force Base.
They usually have it every two years and this
year Parker and I were able to go.
We all camped out and they have a lot of fun
activities for the boys to do as well as stations where 
they get a chance to work on some of their
 and on Saturday night a big rally with music, 
guest speakers and a special guest, 
Astronaut Jose Hernandez.  It was a lot of fun.

Watching an Order of the Arrow ceremonial dance.

They had an extreme bike stunt team perform.
They did some amazing tricks.

Parker did really well on the flight simulator program.
He completed the mission without crashing.
He even impressed the veteran who was supervising.
 He thought Parker had done this kind of thing
before and was surprised when Parker told him he hadn't.

Always happy when holding a weapon.

Working on a requirement for his Craftsman badge.
He made a leather necklace.


Here are some September sightings of the 
elusive Hayley all dressed up for church.

And after church, back in her comfy clothes.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

September Pack Meeting

Our September pack meeting was our Back to School
Ice Cream Social.  It is a time to not only to award the
boys their patches and awards that they earned over
the summer but a time to invite new boys from the
area to come and see what our pack is all about.
We had a fun time.  There was a slide show of pictures
of all the summer activities we did, and we served 
ice cream sundaes to everyone and then the boys
got to play volleyball with the giant beach balls.

Parker's Webelos den got up and told jokes.