Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Christmas Day

Christmas Day we all stayed home and had
a nice, relaxing day. At least it was relaxing
when I wasn't in the kitchen cooking dinner.

Waiting to come downstairs to see what
Santa brought.

We took a break from opening presents to
have homemade waffles and sausage for

Christmas Dinner.  The menu was spiral sliced ham,
scalloped potatoes, homemade rolls, broccoli, and
orange jello (Chris brought one for Thanksgiving
and everyone loved it so much, I fixed it again.)
For dessert we had homemade apple pie and a
myriad of sweets I had baked earlier.

We decided after last year to save our stockings
this year for after dinner.  It gave everyone 
something to look forward to. Parker had thought
it was a good idea last year, but then had a hard
time waiting until after dinner this year.